Study at an Australia university

Universities - "Belajar di universitas Australia"
Study at an Australia gain an international qualification.
An Australian university will provide you with a sound understanding of your chosen field, along with academic skills that can be applied to other areas. You won’t just be learning about health, science, engineering or the arts. You’ll also be learning how to think creatively and independently.

Higher education qualifications offered in Australia

Australian universities and higher education institutions offer programs leading to Bachelor Degrees and higher qualifications in a diverse range of fields. Australian universities offer programs from Architecture to Zoology.

The Bachelor Degree is the most common qualification offered in Australia. Specialised research training and professional development is also offered through Masters Degrees and Doctoral Degrees.

Graduate Certificates and Graduate Diplomas are also available. Diplomas are becoming less common, however, the Associate Degree provides a shorter-cycle Degree program for professionals wishing to further their careers.
Australian research and innovation

Australian scientists and researchers have been responsible for major breakthroughs and technological advances around the world. Our best-known achievers have won international awards, including eight Nobel Prizes.

As a postgraduate student, you will develop skills in research that will put you at the forefront of the development and application of new technologies. Australian universities provide study opportunities in every major discipline, in individual and collaborative projects.

The rewards of studying at an Australian university are endless. Develop your potential in an innovative, flexible, yet supportive learning environment. Gain an internationally recognised qualification that will open doors for your future.
Australian :universities will challenge and reward you academically, personally &

Tuition fees Study in Australia

Study in Australia, Student cost, how much.., pay for study University, college and School at Australia
Tuition fees
As an international student, you must pay your tuition fees up-front.
Aside from tuition fees, some institutions may also charge for other student costs, such as library, laboratory or sports facility costs. Excursions, books and stationery are other costs to consider, and your course may also require specific essential materials, such as lab coats or photographic supplies.
Your institution will provide you with information on how and when to pay your tuition fees.

Foundation Studies A$9,000 to 14,000 a year
such as university entrance, preparatory and bridging courses

Bachelor Degree A$10,000 to 13,500 a year
such as courses in arts, business, economics and law
Laboratory-based Bachelor Degree A$11,000 to 16,500 a year
such as science and engineering courses


Graduate Certificates
Graduate Diplomas A$9,000 to 16,000 a year
Doctoral Degree A$11,000 to 18,500 a year

Vocational education and training
Certificates I - IV
Advanced Diploma A$5,500 to 18,000 a year

Secondary school A$6,000 to 13,000 a year
Primary and junior secondary schools A$5,000 to 11,000 a year

English language training
varies significantly depending on the course duration or institution
A$3,500 to 13,500

Study in Australia | Uang kuliah/uang sekolah

Study in Australia, Tuition fees, Biaya kuliah/ biaya, kuliah S1, S3, MBA, BA, Pascasarjana
Uang kuliah/uang sekolah Di Australia Sebagai siswa internasional, Anda harus membayar uang kuliah/uang sekolah Anda di muka. Selain uang/biaya kuliah/sekolah ini, beberapa lembaga pendidikan juga mungkin menerapkan pengeluaran siswa lainnya, seperti biaya fasilitas perpustakaan, laboratorium atau olah raga. Wisata, buku dan alat tulis juga biaya yang harus dipertimbangkan, dan program studi Anda mungkin juga memerlukan bahan-bahan penting yang spesifik, seperti baju lab atau bahan-bahan foto. Lembaga pendidikan Anda akan menyediakan informasi mengenai bagaimana dan kapan saat untuk membayar uang kuliah/sekolah ini.

Perkiraan biaya atau uang kuliah S1, S3, MBA, BA, Pascasarjana atau Sekolah, kursus di Australia

Universitas Studi Pra-Universitas (Foundation Studies)
A$9,000 - 14,000
setahun seperti persiapan masuk universitas, persiapan dan program-program persiapan lainnya (bridging)

Program Sarjana
- S1 (Undergraduate)
Gelar Bachelor A$10,000 - 13,500
setahun seperti program-program studi seni, ekonomis dan hukum
Gelar Bachelor yang melibatkan kegiatan di Laboratorium
A$11,000 - 16,500 setahun seperti program-program studi sains dan teknik

Graduate Certificates- Graduate Diplomas A$9,000 - 16,000 setahun

Gelar Doktoral - S3 A$11,000 - 18,500 setahun

Pendidikan ketrampilan dan pelatihan

Sertifikat I - IV
Diploma Diploma Lanjutan (Advanced Diploma) A$5,500 - 18,000 setahun


Sekolah menengah Sekolah-sekolah dasar dan lanjutan pertama
A$6,000 - 13,000 setahun A$5,000 - 11,000 setahun

Kursus bahasa Inggris

beragam sangat tergantung pada lama studi atau lembaganya.
A$3,500 - 13,500